Play Time

we're just too
Bet you can't catch me..
Ruby (4 mos)
and Sachi (2 1/2 years).
taken 6 Apr 03)

Diamond at 5 weeks. Precious moments with KoMichi and Sachi.

Kali and Kuma puppies
at 17 days old,
getting to know older brother Sachi and sister Ko-Michi.

(pictures taken: 16 November 2001)

Kali and Bijon settling in for an short nap.
Kali and Bijon, a moment of peace during play.

Kali and Bijon,
backyard play. Elle, Ko-Michi, and Geisha

Halloween 2001

Sachi in his vampire duds and Ko-Michi in her bat wings.
They were a hit
with the neighborhood kids.

Kali's Vacation in June 2001
Mount Rushmore, South
Dakota Kali making friends with another young tourist at
Mt. Rushmore (thanks for the pictures Matt)
Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming Crazy Horse, South Dakota

Smoki and Kali Ko-Michi and Sachi, at 6 1/2 months, with their daddy
Shere Khan
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